Thriving & Flourishing
Thriving and flourishing represent the highest levels of well-being. The two terms are used interchangeably although some researchers attempt to differentiate them with thriving more focused on performance and health while flourishing more concerned with psychosocial and emotional well-being.16 These exceptions notwithstanding, both thriving and flourishing focus on the individual’s experience of optimal well-being and success.
According to Maslow17 and many others, people have an innate need for growth and thriving/flourishing. When this need is actualized, we experience an energizing, positive emotional state which, in the professional realm, leads to engagement, pro-organization and work-oriented behaviors, and ultimately to optimal performance.18 Well-being for LeadersTM offers 1:1 coaching to help leaders increase their well-being from wherever they are on the continuum, and this includes helping the already high-functioning individuals achieve even more growth. Our consulting and speaking services assist organizations and businesses in creating optimal conditions that let their leaders thrive.